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F.H.U.VIP Ignacy Potapski jest beneficjentem programu własnego Instytutu Książki "Certyfikat dla małych księgarni".
F.H.U.VIP Ignacy Potapski jest beneficjentem programu własnego  Instytutu Książki "Certyfikat dla małych księgarni" 

Certyfikat dla małej księgarni 2023-2024 księgarnia kielce



A comparative study of word-formation in Balkan languages
Ean: 9788323143376
Isbn: 9788323143376
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 302
Wymiary: 16.0x23.0cm
Introduction / 9A. General issues (Viara Maldjieva)Chapter IA model for a comparative study of word-formation in Balkan languages / 131. A comparative study of word-formation / 132. The basic concepts of the description / 153. Basic assumptions of the model of a comparative description of word-formation / 203.1. General assumptions / 203.2. Specific assumptions / 22Chapter IISemantic properties of derivatives in Balkan languages / 271. Semantic derivation / 272. Semantic structure of derivatives. Derivational meaning / 332.1. Lexical meaning and derivational meaning of a derived lexeme / 332.2. Components of the semantic structure of a derivative / 352.3. Derivational paraphrase / 423. Types of meaning relations between the concepts in the semantic structure of derived words. Derivational categories / 443.0. Derivational category / 443.1. Argument categories / 463.2. Argument categories in structures with an unexpressed predicate / 523.3. Predicative categories / 593.4. Summary / 76Chapter IIIFormal and functional properties of derivatives in Balkan languages / 791. Formal properties of derivatives / 791.1. Synchronic derivational division / 791.2. Types of base / 831.3. Types of formant / 861.4. Variation of bases and formants / 921.5. Distribution of formants / 961.6. The formal structure of derivatives / 972. Functional properties of formants / 1042.1. Functions of formants in the structure of derivatives / 1042.2. Formants with semantic function – exponents of derivational categories / 1052.3. Homonymy and polyfunctionality of formants / 105B. The detailed analysis (Viara Maldjieva, Anna Cychnerska, Artur Karasiński, Tomasz Cychnerski)Chapter IArgument categories / 1171. Bulgarian (V. Maldjieva) / 1182. Macedonian (A. Cychnerska) / 1493. Serbian (A. Cychnerska) / 1774. Albanian (A. Karasiński) / 2085. Romanian (T. Cychnerski) / 2276. Summary (V. Maldjieva) / 245Chapter IIStructures with an unexpressed predicate / 2491. Bulgarian (V. Maldjieva) / 2502. Macedonian (A. Cychnerska) / 2523. Serbian (A. Cychnerska) / 2554. Albanian (A. Karasiński) / 2585. Romanian (T. Cychnerski) / 2616. Summary (V. Maldjieva) / 263Chapter IIIPredicative categories / 2651. Bulgarian (V. Maldjieva) / 2652. Macedonian (A. Cychnerska) / 3193. Serbian (A. Cychnerska) / 3714. Albanian (A. Karasiński) / 4325. Romanian (T. Cychnerski) / 4536. Summary (V. Maldjieva) / 480Chapter IVVariation of formants / 4831. Bulgarian (V. Maldjieva) / 4842. Macedonian (A. Cychnerska) / 4883. Serbian (A. Cychnerska) / 4944. Albanian (A. Karasiński) / 5005. Romanian (T. Cychnerski) / 5036. Summary (V. Maldjieva) / 506Chapter VThe distribution, homonymy, and polyfunctionality of formants / 5071. Bulgarian (V. Maldjieva) / 5082. Macedonian (A. Cychnerska) / 5263. Serbian (A. Cychnerska) / 5424. Albanian (A. Karasiński) / 5605. Romanian (T. Cychnerski) / 5676. Summary (V. Maldjieva) / 575Chapter VIFormal structures of single-stem derivatives / 5791. Bulgarian (V. Maldjieva) / 5802. Macedonian (A. Cychnerska) / 5813. Serbian (A. Cychnerska) / 5834. Albanian (A. Karasiński) / 5855. Romanian (T. Cychnerski) / 5876. Summary (V. Maldjieva) / 589Conclusion / 591References / 593
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