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F.H.U.VIP Ignacy Potapski jest beneficjentem programu własnego Instytutu Książki "Certyfikat dla małych księgarni".
F.H.U.VIP Ignacy Potapski jest beneficjentem programu własnego  Instytutu Książki "Certyfikat dla małych księgarni" 

Certyfikat dla małej księgarni 2023-2024 księgarnia kielce



Piketty Thomas

Capital and Ideology
Wydawca: Harvard University Press
Oprawa: twarda z obwolutą
Thomas Piketty’s bestselling Capital in the Twenty-First Century galvanized global debate about inequality. In this audacious follow-up, Piketty challenges us to revolutionize how we think about politics, ideology, and history. He exposes the ideas that have sustained inequality for the past millennium, reveals why the shallow politics of right and left are failing us today, and outlines the structure of ...
Cena: 118,20 zł
Cena sugerowana: 139,00 zł
Oszczedzasz: 20,80 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Capital and Ideology

Lockhart Paul

Wydawca: Harvard University Press
Oprawa: miękka
Because evolution endowed humans with a complement of ten fingers, a grouping size of ten seems natural to us, perhaps even ideal. But from the perspective of mathematics, groupings of ten are arbitrary, and can have serious shortcomings. Twelve would be better for divisibility, and eight is smaller and well suited to repeated halving. Grouping by two, as in binary ...
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny

Eichhorn Kate

The end of forgetting Growing up with social media
Wydawca: Harvard University Press
Oprawa: twarda z obwolutą
Cena: 72,10 zł
Cena sugerowana: 84,80 zł
Oszczedzasz: 12,70 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
The end of forgetting Growing up with social media

After Piketty: The Agenda for Economics and Inequality
Wydawca: Harvard University Press
Oprawa: miękka
Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century is the most widely discussed work of economics in recent history, selling millions of copies in dozens of languages. But are its analyses of inequality and economic growth on target? Where should researchers go from here in exploring the ideas Piketty pushed to the forefront of global conversation? A cast of economists and ...
Cena: 63,60 zł
Cena sugerowana: 74,80 zł
Oszczedzasz: 11,20 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
After Piketty: The Agenda for Economics and Inequality

Schradie Jen

Revolution That Wasn't
Wydawca: Harvard University Press
Oprawa: twarda z obwolutą
This surprising study of online political mobilization shows that money and organizational sophistication influence politics online as much as off, and casts doubt on the democratizing power of digital activism. The internet has been hailed as a leveling force that is reshaping activism. From the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter and #MeToo, digital activism seemed cheap, ...
Cena: 93,30 zł
Cena sugerowana: 109,80 zł
Oszczedzasz: 16,50 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Revolution That Wasn't
Poprzednia strona1234Kolejna strona
Dane kontaktowe
ul. Jana Pawła II 52
98-200 Sieradz
43 826 34 44