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F.H.U.VIP Ignacy Potapski jest beneficjentem programu własnego Instytutu Książki "Certyfikat dla małych księgarni".
F.H.U.VIP Ignacy Potapski jest beneficjentem programu własnego  Instytutu Książki "Certyfikat dla małych księgarni" 

Certyfikat dla małej księgarni 2023-2024 księgarnia kielce



Milbourne Anna

Peep Inside Bug Homes
Wydawca: Usborne
Oprawa: twarda
Come on a bug hunt in this little book and discover ants building their nest underground, bees making honey in their hive and a bug hotel where lots of creepy crawlies have found a home. With colourful illustrations, flaps to lift and holes to peep through, there’s so much to discover in this fascinating introduction to insects and where they ...
Cena: 33,20 zł
Cena sugerowana: 39,00 zł
Oszczedzasz: 5,80 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Peep Inside Bug Homes

Milbourne Anna

Peep Inside a Tree
Wydawca: Usborne
Oprawa: twarda
Peep under leaves and behind branches to discover hibernating squirrels, creepy crawlies and more in this charming introduction to trees, filled with intricately cut flaps and holes to peep through. Find out what trees need to grow, what happens to a tree through the seasons, how long an oak tree can live for and much more.
Cena: 33,20 zł
Cena sugerowana: 39,00 zł
Oszczedzasz: 5,80 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Peep Inside a Tree

Milbourne Anna

Peep Inside the Castle
Wydawca: Usborne
Oprawa: kartonowa
Young children can explore a bustling medieval castle in this charming, lift-the-flap non-fiction book. Flaps and peep-through holes in the pages reveal a knight putting on his armour, castle guards counting the king’s treasure and a grand feast with the royal family. A lovely introduction to a popular historical subject for little children.
Cena: 33,20 zł
Cena sugerowana: 39,00 zł
Oszczedzasz: 5,80 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Peep Inside the Castle

Milbourne Anna

Peep Inside The Garden
Wydawca: Usborne
Oprawa: kartonowa
A sunny garden hums, buzzes, creeps and crawls with life... Peep inside to see what you can find. A beautifully illustrated non-fiction picture book for very little children with lots of flaps to lift, holes to peep through and animals and insects to spot. Children can peek at the insects buzzing beneath flower petals, spot a sleepy toad hiding in ...
Cena: 33,20 zł
Cena sugerowana: 39,00 zł
Oszczedzasz: 5,80 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Peep Inside The Garden

Milbourne Anna

Peep inside dinosaurs
Wydawca: Usborne
Oprawa: twarda
A beautifully illustrated, non-fiction book to introduce children to dinosaurs for the very first time. Children can lift the flaps and peep through the holes to see a dinosaur egg hatching or trace the outlines of T. Rex’s teeth, and find out about spiky dinosaurs, the biggest dinosaurs and dinosaurs from the sea.
Cena: 30,60 zł
Cena sugerowana: 36,00 zł
Oszczedzasz: 5,40 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Peep inside dinosaurs
Poprzednia strona123Kolejna strona
Dane kontaktowe
ul. Jana Pawła II 52
98-200 Sieradz
43 826 34 44