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F.H.U.VIP Ignacy Potapski jest beneficjentem programu własnego Instytutu Książki "Certyfikat dla małych księgarni".
F.H.U.VIP Ignacy Potapski jest beneficjentem programu własnego  Instytutu Książki "Certyfikat dla małych księgarni" 

Certyfikat dla małej księgarni 2023-2024 księgarnia kielce



Introducing Mind and Brain A Graphic Guide
Wydawca: Icon Books
Oprawa: miękka
How do emotions affect your basic decision making? Why do certain smells prompt long-forgotten memories, and what makes us suddenly self-conscious? How does the biological organ, the brain, give rise to all of the thoughts in your head – enable you to think, to feel, to be conscious and aware – to have ‘a mind’? Introducing Mind and Brain explains ...
Cena: 33,20 zł
Cena sugerowana: 39,00 zł
Oszczedzasz: 5,80 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Introducing Mind and Brain A Graphic Guide

Morus Iwan Rhys

Michael Faraday and the Electrical Century
Wydawca: Icon Books
Oprawa: miękka
The only scientist to ever appear on the British twenty pound note, Michael Faraday is one of the most recognisable names in the history of science. Faraday’s forte was electricity, a revolutionary force in nineteenth-century society. The electric telegraph had made mass-communication possible and inventors looked forward to the day when electricity would control all aspects of life. By the ...
Cena: 37,40 zł
Cena sugerowana: 44,00 zł
Oszczedzasz: 6,60 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Michael Faraday and the Electrical Century

Fara Patricia

An Entertainment for Angels
Wydawca: Icon Books
Oprawa: miękka
Electricity was the scientific fashion of the Enlightenment, ‘an Entertainment for Angels, rather than for Men’. Lecturers attracted huge audiences to marvel at sparkling fountains, flaming drinks, pirouetting dancers and electrified boys. Enlightenment optimists predicted that this new-found power of nature would cure illnesses, improve crop production, even bring the dead back to life. Benjamin Franklin, better known as one ...
Cena: 37,40 zł
Cena sugerowana: 44,00 zł
Oszczedzasz: 6,60 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
An Entertainment for Angels

Couples in Art.
Wydawca: Icon Books
Oprawa: twarda z obwolutą
Cena: 109,70 zł
Cena sugerowana: 129,00 zł
Oszczedzasz: 19,30 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Couples in Art.

Gregory Andrew

Eureka! The Birth of Science
Wydawca: Icon Books
Oprawa: miękka
Medicine, anatomy, astronomy, mathematics and cosmology, science began with the Greeks, and Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Archimedes and Hippocrates were amongst its stars. That man ever managed to develop a ‘scientific’ attitude to the natural world at all is one of the true wonders of human thought. Eureka! shows how, free from intellectual and religious dogma, these early thinkers rejected myths and ...
Cena: 37,40 zł
Cena sugerowana: 44,00 zł
Oszczedzasz: 6,60 zł
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Eureka! The Birth of Science
Dane kontaktowe
ul. Jana Pawła II 52
98-200 Sieradz
43 826 34 44