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F.H.U.VIP Ignacy Potapski jest beneficjentem programu własnego Instytutu Książki "Certyfikat dla małych księgarni".
F.H.U.VIP Ignacy Potapski jest beneficjentem programu własnego  Instytutu Książki "Certyfikat dla małych księgarni" 

Certyfikat dla małej księgarni 2023-2024 księgarnia kielce



Jane Kelly

Accounting Workbook For Dummies
Wydawca: Wiley
Want to become an accountant? Own a small business but need help balancing your books? Worried about managing your finances under the cloud of the recession? This title gets you up to speed with the basics of business accounting, including reading financial reports, establishing budgets, controlling cash flow, and making wise financial decisions.
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Accounting Workbook For Dummies

Jay Conrad Levinson, Shel Horowitz

Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green
Wydawca: Wiley John + Sons
The latest tips on green marketing and sustainable business strategiesForget greed, green is good. Today`s cutting-edge businesses understand that making the world a better place can also be a great way to make money-in fact, it`s an essential aspect of a sustainable business model. Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green gives the tools to make that sustainable model work.Catching the wave of ...
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green

Chris Brogan, Julien Smith

Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust
Wydawca: John Wiley & Sons
The New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller-now in a new, updated paperback editionToday`s online influencers are Web natives who trade in trust, reputation, and relationships, using social media to accrue the influence that builds up or brings down businesses online. In Trust Agents, two social media veterans show you how to tap into the power of social networks ...
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust

Gabor Mate

When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection
Wydawca: John Wiley & Sons
`When the Body Says No` provides fresh information regarding important issues concerning the effects of stress on health. Dr. Mate summarizes the latest scientific findings about the role that stress and individual emotional makeup play in an array of diseases.
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection

Gary M Schultheis

Couples Therapy Homework Planner
Wydawca: Wiley
Fully revised and updated, `Brief Couples Therapy Homework Planner, Second Edition` provides an array of new and updated exercises to help couples quickly develop the psychosocial skills they need to achieve or maintain healthier relationships. The book includes 70 ready-to-copy homework assignments covering the most common issues encountered by clients suffering from chemical and nonchemical addictions. The book is a ...
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Couples Therapy Homework Planner
Dane kontaktowe
ul. Jana Pawła II 52
98-200 Sieradz
43 826 34 44